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Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI)

Updated Jun 27, 2023

Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI)

FONSI Appendix A - Final Environmental Assessment

FONSI Appendix A - Final EA (Combined Files)

CBD Tolling Program Final Environmental Assessment

Appendices – Volume 1 (Appendix 2 – Appendix 4B.9)

Appendices – Volume 2 (Appendix 4C – Appendix 17E)

Appendices – Volume 3 (Appendix 18A – Appendix 19, excluding Appendix 18C)

Appendices – Volume 4 (Appendix 18C)

FONSI Appendix A - Final EA (By Chapter)

Cover, Signature Page, Contents, and List of Abbreviations


Executive Summary Read in Bengali | Chinese | Haitian Creole | Italian | Korean | Portuguese | Russian | Spanish

1.  Introduction 

2.  Project Alternatives 

3.  Environmental Assessment Framework 

4.  Transportation 

4A.  Regional Transportation Effects and Modeling 

4B.  Highways and Local Intersections 

4C.  Transit 

4D.  Parking 

4E.  Pedestrians and Bicycles

5A.  Social Conditions: Population Characteristics and Community Cohesion 

5B.  Social Conditions: Neighborhood Character 

5C.  Social Conditions: Public Policy 

6.  Economic Conditions 

7.  Parks and Recreational Resources 

8.  Historic and Cultural Resource 

9.  Visual Resources 

10.  Air Quality 

11.  Energy 

12.  Noise

13.  Natural Resources

14.  Asbestos-Containing Materials, Lead-Based Paint, Hazardous Wastes, and Contaminated Materials 

15.  Construction Effects

16.  Summary of Effects

17.  Environmental Justice

18.  Agency Coordination and Public Participation 

19.  Section 4(f) Evaluation

20.  Short-Term Uses of the Environment and Maintenance and Enhancement of Long-Term Productivity 

21.  Irreversible and Irretrievable Commitment of Resources

List of Preparers

Appendix 2, Project Alternatives 

Appendix 4A.1, Implementation of Tolls in the Best Practice Model 

Appendix 4A.2, Travel Forecast Scenario Summaries and Detailed Tables 

Appendix 4A.3, Representative Commuting Costs by Auto and Transit 

Appendix 4B.1, Transportation and Traffic Methodology for NEPA Evaluation 

Appendix 4B.2, Traffic Flow Maps 

Appendix 4B.3, Traffic LOS: Existing and No Action Alternative 

Appendix 4B.4,  Traffic LOS: CBD Tolling Alternative

Appendix 4B.5, Traffic LOS: CBD Tolling Alternative with Mitigation 

Appendix 4B.6, Highway Capacity Software Files 

Appendix 4B.7, Average Travel Times To The Manhattan CBD 

Appendix 4B.8, Overview of Highways throughout the Study Area 

Appendix 4B.9, Traffic Data Collection Program 

Appendix 4C, Supporting Documentation for Transit Analyses 

Appendix 4D, Parking Data for Commuter Rail Stations 

Appendix 4E, Supporting Documentation for Pedestrian Analyses 

Appendix 5, Social Conditions 

Appendix 6, Economic Conditions 

Appendix 7, Parks and Recreational Resources 

Appendix 8, Historic and Cultural Resources 

Appendix 9, Visual Resources 

Appendix 10, Air QualityAir Quality Technical Files*

Appendix 12, Noise 

Appendix 13, Natural Resources 

Appendix 17, Environmental Justice Communities 

Appendix 18A, Responses to Frequently Received Comments

Appendix 18B, Index of All Submissions

Appendix 18C, Comments and Responses

Appendix 18D, Form Letter Submissions

Appendix 19, Section 4(f) Correspondence


*These files require software available from the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) which can be accessed online via the EPA website – MOVES, AERMOD.

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